Friday, March 16, 2012

The Tesla Generator And Radiant Energy

By Joe Wright

It is no surprise that many people have begun looking into the Tesla generator with more people looking into alternative sources of energy. One thing that makes a Tesla fuel-less generator so attractive in the alternative energy community is that unlike wind and solar energy, an initial investment would be very little. However, there still remains some doubts and skeptics who wonder if the Tesla generator really can provide free energy as intended or if it is simply a pipe dream or worse a scam.

Even with the doubts, there are many resources that tout the possibilities of building a fuel-less generator for less than a $100 investment. There are claims that these generators can generate free electricity, cost very little to build, are simple to build, are safe to use and are totally weatherproof. With these kinds of benefits, it would make sense that Tesla's invention would be used more widely, but the fuel-less generator tends to be the domain of the devoted alternative energy enthusiasts and hobbyists.

Even those who doubt Tesla's devices would have to concede that his ideas on radiant energy were innovative and ahead of his time. Basically, radiant energy is energy transferred through radiation, particularly electromagnetic waves including light, microwaves and X-rays. Tesla discovered this energy in 1893 and sought to harness it in order to create free energy for the world. Currently, the term radiant energy is commonly used in fields like heating, lighting, radiometry and solar energy and may refer to the electromagnetic waves themselves rather than the energy they transmit.

This energy is widely used for radiant heating including electric infrared lamps. However, it can also be absorbed from sunlight and used to heat water in radiant heating systems such as those used to emit heat from the floor, overhead panel or wall. These systems are not widely in walls because of the risk of leakage that can cause damage and other problems such as molding and mildew. No matter where the system is located, the heating source does not directly heat the air but rather the people and other objects in the room directly.

Those who decide to look into a Tesla generator and build a device needs to be careful when working with any kind of electricity components. Furthermore, it is important to find the right kind of guide to get the results needed and build an efficient device. The goal should be to build a Tesla coil that can collect that can collect a charge and convert it to voltage energy that flows through the air.

Tesla had no resources to create working prototypes of his coil during his lifetime, but there are now many guides to help interested people build their own Tesla generator. Enthusiasts still believe his dream of distributing free energy to everyone in the world is a possibility and distribute Tesla's plans for creating an efficient energy generator. The ability to harness the power of radiant energy may be closer at hand than many people think.

Find out more about harnessing the power of the []Tesla Generator and read the in-depth articles and discussions about the unusual and alternative free energy generators that are available for homeowners. visit

Article Source:  The Tesla Generator And Radiant Energy

Set An Example To Our Children By Using Alternative Energy Resources

Set An Example To Our Children By Using Alternative Energy Resources
By Joe Wright

The search for a free energy generator has been going on for centuries. Over the last few hundred years countless scientists the world over have been studying and developing new ways by which we can create our electrical energy. They were driven and excited not only by the prospects of generating their own free energy but also by the desire to help both the local and the planetary environment.

Most energy conglomerates and government officials will tell you that all this talk of being able to produce your own electricity is just wishful thinking and far too complex a subject matter for mere ordinary human beings. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Einstein would always state that it is possible to explain most scientific truths in simple terms that a ten-year old child could understand.

Electricity was first made available for general use at the end of the nineteenth century. Nikola Tesla and Westinghouse designed the alternating current and direct current systems for the wide scale generation and transportation of electricity. Since then our consumption of electric power has not slowed down even for a moment. By the twenty-first century we are using ten times more than we were one hundred years previously.

We have all read about the impending doom and gloom of global warming and the fact that we have all but used up the earth's natural resources. We know in our hearts that we need to cut down our energy usage and think seriously about the effect that our actions today will ultimately have on the world that our children inherit. Yet there are still no signs of slowing down our consumption of energy.

Many of the eastern and underdeveloped countries such as China still do not have a widespread electricity grid. When their living standard catches up to the developed nations along with all the accompanying televisions, refrigerators, computers and other technologies, then the associated increase in carbon dioxide pollution will offset against any carbon curbing commitments that have been made by the developed countries.

The production of electricity from renewable resources is still minuscule in proportion to the overall supply. Wind energy, solar power and radiant energy are among the many options that we have available today. Commercial alternative energy systems on the whole have a tendency to be fairly costly to install in our homes. There are, however many industrious individuals who have successfully made their own energy systems and are leading the way for the rest of us. It is worth taking some time and finding out more about these alternative home energy systems. You will find that it is quite possible to make a small system that generates electricity for you your home. These can be set up using either solar, wind or radiant energy and you can expect to begin making savings on your electricity bill within the first month.

No matter which natural resource we use be it coal, gas or oil the urgent message to humanity is the same and that is that our reserves of these precious resources is limited and they will be exhausted sooner than we may expect. Tesla himself said that the burning of coal in order to obtain energy was a barbarous process and he also said that we ought to be able to obtain the energy that we need without the consumption of these natural resources. Our task therefore is to pass on to our children the knowledge and set the example of using free resources to generate the electricity that we have become so very dependent upon.

For more information about alternative []free energy systems and off grid generators, visit the leading website:

Article Source:  Set An Example To Our Children By Using Alternative Energy Resources