Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nikola Tesla - Wikiquote

  • A point of great importance would be first to know: what is the capacity of the earth? And what charge does it contain if electrified? Though we have no positive evidence of a charged body existing in space without other oppositely electrified bodies being near, there is a fair probability that the earth is such a body, for by whatever process it was separated from other bodies — and this is the accepted view of its origin — it must have retained a charge, as occurs in all processes of mechanical separation.
    • "Experiments With Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency, and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination" (20 May 1891)
Alternate currents, especially of high frequencies, pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases...
  • Alternate currents, especially of high frequencies, pass with astonishing freedom through even slightly rarefied gases. The upper strata of the air are rarefied. To reach a number of miles out into space requires the overcoming of difficulties of a merely mechanical nature.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Fun Of The Tesla Free Energy Generator

A free energy generator implies something other than what  is actually meant when the phrase Tesla energy generator is used. It is true that the man who first drew up plans for the device wanted to provide free electricity to thousands of homes. These generators never saw the light of day in his lifetime.  The plans for them recently resurfaced.

The materials would have cost several thousand dollars in Tesla’s life time.  This is one reason why the generator never got built. Tesla, although a brilliant inventor and scientist, never achieved great riches in his lifetime.  Many of his designs were built after his lifetime when technology made them feasible. The Tesla generator is no exception to this. A person can build it for a few dollars today. It can reduce his electric bill or help him get off the grid entirely. It depends on how much power the generator can put out.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reasons Why Choosing A Tesla Turbine Generator Makes Sense

In the present day scenario, it has become extremely important to look for alternate sources of energy that can reduce our dependence on exhaustible sources that are becoming more expensive. Alternative sources of energy are not just cost-effective but also eco-friendly. One of the path breaking inventions in the field of energy generation has been the tesla generator. Invented more than a hundred years ago, this invention has made it easier to turn our houses into sources of alternative energy.

In 1891, Nikolai Tesla started developing energy efficient generators to help millions of families across the world. By applying different theories of electricity transmission and consumption, Tesla sought to develop a better source of energy generation. The tesla generator blueprints highlight the passion and precision with which he tried to cater to all kinds of people who required energy for various purposes.

The Tesla turbine generator was designed with a varying current system that was capable of generating high currents. Subsequently, he designed the Tesla coil and carried out several experiments including alternating current in electrical lighting, transmitting energy without x-ray generation and more.

Today, opting for a Tesla energy efficient generator makes a lot of sense because of the benefits provided to the end users. To begin with, this type of generator can produce electricity on its own. It is also very simple to set up without spending a lot of money. Therefore, individuals can complete the process on their own. Moreover, unlike other types of generators, the tesla generators do not emit any harmful toxics or radiations.

For consumers who want to save tax, Tesla generators are a good option because the government deducts the machines from taxes. Owing to these factors, a large number of buyers are going for these generators that are offering a lot of benefits.

Tesla Turbine Generator May Be The Alternative Energy Solution For You

Nikola Tesla was simply one of the finest inventors that this world has ever known. His daily life was somewhat enigmatic, and he died an unfortunate death alone within an apartment in New York City. His death doesn't necessarily define his life, however, and his legacy thrives in the findings performed by curiously creative scientists and engineers to this day.

Though Thomas Edison is given credit for much more developments and is commonly considered the greatest inventor of his time frame, Tesla did even more for what has become the contemporary world. Tesla created the use of alternating current for electrical energy, which is the system the world still utilizes today. Edison, at the same time, was a supporter of direct current electric energy. Although D.C. Electrical power is still in use, it's in no way as common as Tesla's alternating current.

Tesla also devised ways of transferring electrical energy without the use of wires or cables. Some of the man's visions had been so innovative that they sound outrageous even now. However, for those who seriously look at the plans and designs Tesla left behind, a bright future of free energy is just on the horizon through the use of one of Tesla's most ground-breaking, but heretofore unavailable scientific ideas - The Tesla Generator.

Most people are fascinated by the thought of being able to make their own energy for their homes and not have to continue paying the electric company for the use of their power. Well if you are among those then just maybe you might get some helpful information from my blog about Tesla Turbine Generators.
Here is a picture showing Nikola Tesla in his laboratory amongst his many experiments in generating free electrical energy.
Though free energy might seem unattainable, it does not really need to be. Nikola Tesla envisioned a world of energy equality, where people would be able to create their own free electrical energy by making use of all of the electricity that surrounds everybody in the atmosphere. Tesla considered that selling energy for a profit was immoral, and he made the Tesla Turbine Generator his lifetimes most essential work. A free energy generator just like the one Tesla envisioned is not currently in use, nevertheless plans to build this kind of machine have now actually been unearthed.

Because plans for a Tesla Generator are available, bright and brilliant minds are beginning to assemble these amazing machines. They may be unable to produce enough electricity now to power an urban area, but they could produce enough to show even the biggest skeptics into believers. If you're fascinated by such a machine, go online today to search for Tesla Generators. From there, you will find a way to make free electrical energy a real possibility in your home and local community.